139 results found
Graceful reset of service user credentials
As a customer who has applications integrated into my Aiven Services,
I want some period of time after I change a user credential,
so that I can go and alter this in all the relevant applications, without a service outage.
Currently when a user credential is changed, with only 1 user, the old credential is disabled immediately, before I have a chance to update my applications, causing outages or scheduled maintenance windows.7 votes -
Support to natively export to common SIEMs (Splunk, Sumo Logic, OpenSearch, etc)
As a security engineer or CISO I want to get Aiven platform and service logs into my SIEM
so that I can manage and understand the operational security of my organization
In addition, being able to integrate natively with my SIEM of choice would allow for easier data flows.3 votes -
Configuring log level when sending log to Cloudwatch
As a programmer,
I want to have control on the log level of logs that being sent from Aiven's services to Cloudwatch,
so that I can filter INFO & DEBUG logs that spamming us.1 vote -
SAML Certificate Expiry
As an Aiven Administrator
I want to have an automated way to know when a user's ssl certificates enter their expiration grace period (last 3 months)
so that I can update the values stored in, say, AWS SecretsManager
A simple method would be to provide an api that shows the expiration dates for each user (as per the data file available to the Console) so that I could poll once per month, say, and update any certificates in the grace period and use the current acknowledgement api to complete the task.11 votes -
Disable Datadog integration on slave
As SRE/FinOps, I want to disable Datadog integration on slave instance (when using active/passive architecture) so that I can reduce costs on Datadog side without degrading my monitoring/observability.
2 votes -
Ability to shutdown a service that has privatelink configured, without breaking any config or deleting the privatelink.
As an Aiven customer
I want to be able to decouple privatelink configuration from the service lifecycle
so that I can shut down the service without having to delete the privatelink16 votes -
Support availability zones in all Azure regions
Asa project admin
I want my projects to support availability zones in all Azure regions where they are available and not only a subset
so that I can improve resiliency in case of AZ failure.The following Azure regions are not multi-AZ yet:
East US (Virginia): multi-AZ in Azure but single-AZ in Aiven
UK South (London): multi-AZ in Azure but single-AZ in Aiven3 votesWe will be looking at enabling AZ support for the two regions once we've confirmed all required resource types used by Aiven are fully supported.
Service user limit value from the API
As an System Architect, I want to get the service user limit value from the API
so that I can monitor this value and compare it to the number of users created for each service.
This functionality will help us to ensure healthy CI/CD pipelines so that they don't unexpected get stuck on a user limit.
The User Limit value could either in the API be bound on a project level or be populated as a value in the API available for each service.
At the time of writing the user limit for a project is by default set to…2 votes -
Self-service Custom Plans
As a cloud engineer, I want to be able to specify the Aiven plan to my specifications, including the specific instance type, sizing, and other aspects relevant to the cloud I am running on so that I can optimize my spend and commitments with the cloud provider In addition, to meeting commitments I have made to the cloud provider.
Ideally, turnaround would be much faster than today, where I typically wait 1 week or more to get a custom plan implemented.
29 votesBacklog is being re-prioritized
BYOK - Customer Managed Keys
As a customer
I want to use my own keys to encrypt that data at rest
so that I could comply with regulatory requirements and have full ownership over my and my customers' data.66 votes -
Aiven BYOC support on private cloud
Customers with highly sensitive data are not able to bring their data onto public cloud (esp European customers are not willing to have their data on US based cloud providers). Aiven providing BYOC model on private clouds covers the needs of this market segment.
4 votes -
FedRAMP-like compliance for Healthcare industry
Company needs FedRAMP compliance as part of CMS federal regulations. Under this regulation, only US domiciled personnel may access or control managed services.
2 votesLikely this will merge in with something like FedRAMP based on that getting serious attention. I do not expect Aiven to do this anytime soon, but that can change with the right sponsoring agency.
Looking at logs through the Aiven console
As DevOps user
I want to locate logs for a specific time in the past on the Aiven console
so that I can investigate past issues in the logs in a reasonable amount of time.
In addition, while the logs are made available in the console, there is no mechanism to filter them in any way. Scrolling back through the logs to get to something that I need from 3 days ago makes the function essentially unusable.10 votes -
Query editor for PostgreSQL in console
As a developer I want to see and query data in PostgreSQL directly in the Aiven console so that I can access and use my data without needing to setup another tool.
5 votes -
Query editor for MySQL in console
As a developer I want to see and query data in MySQL directly in the Aiven console so that I can access and use my data without needing to setup another tool.
4 votes -
Add service user to password reset event log
Currently the event log for a password reset request is in the form:
<TIMESTAMP> <AIVEN-CONSOLE-USER> <SERVICE-NAME>: Reset service user passwordIt could be useful having an additional field that trace down the <SERVICE-USER> for which the password reset was requested.
3 votes -
More logs during service fork
We want to have more info to know when a forked service is up and running.
ex. when testing backup restore, we face some difficulties as not everything is located in a single place (event logs & service logs).
There is no indication as to when the service is/was ready.
In the logs, it would be useful to have the different stages: provisioning, restore backup, wal, ready2 votes -
Improve service notifications
As a customer, I want system service notifications to be provided through alternative mechanisms, e.g., webhooks, API, console notifications, etc., as the current system of email notifications often go unnoticed or get caught in spam filters, and we are caught unprepared.
16 votes -
Apply Aiven configuration and service updates during scheduled maintenance windows
As a customer, I want the ability to designate non-urgent configuration and service updates to be implemented only during scheduled maintenance windows, so I can limit the risk of updates running outside of these windows, and impacting the availability of production systems.
2 votes -
Apply maintenance in a lower level environment before promoting to production
As a customer, I want the ability to designate non-production systems as the primary target for updates, patches, and upgrades, so I can test them in my process before pushing them to production.
29 votes
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