16 results found
Upgrade Datadog agent for Aiven platform integration
Using old version of DD agen (7.35?) among others leads to missing metrics missing for customers
16 votesWe have started the process to update the DataDog agent to the most recent version (7.52.0).
Looking at logs through the Aiven console
As DevOps user
I want to locate logs for a specific time in the past on the Aiven console
so that I can investigate past issues in the logs in a reasonable amount of time.
In addition, while the logs are made available in the console, there is no mechanism to filter them in any way. Scrolling back through the logs to get to something that I need from 3 days ago makes the function essentially unusable.10 votes -
Platform Orchestration Events in the Project Event Log
As a user/engineer,
I need information on platform events in order to determine timing for business events and causes for changes to my environment.
Without this observability, I need to open a ticket or service request in order to gain insight.
Platform orchestration events should be included in the project log:
- Backup Started / Finished
- Node Unreachable / Timeout Elapsed
- Maintenance Started / Completed
- Node Replacement
- Alert Fired for Service
8 votes -
Aiven service tags be exposed via Prometheus
As a customer, I want Aiven service tags exposed via Prometheus, so that I can create a unified dashboard in Grafana for alerts.
The tags could be used to easily drill down to metrics of concern for my teams, and could be used to route alerts directly to application owners through my own routing system.
8 votes -
Making connections visible
As an Aiven customer
I want visibility of what is currently connecting to my service
so that I can diagnose connectivity issues without opening a support ticket and waiting for engineers to diagnose the issue6 votes -
Support to natively export to common SIEMs (Splunk, Sumo Logic, OpenSearch, etc)
As a security engineer or CISO I want to get Aiven platform and service logs into my SIEM
so that I can manage and understand the operational security of my organization
In addition, being able to integrate natively with my SIEM of choice would allow for easier data flows.3 votes -
Add service user to password reset event log
Currently the event log for a password reset request is in the form:
<TIMESTAMP> <AIVEN-CONSOLE-USER> <SERVICE-NAME>: Reset service user passwordIt could be useful having an additional field that trace down the <SERVICE-USER> for which the password reset was requested.
3 votes -
add a configuration option to be able to activate command_stats on Redis datadog agent
As developper
I want to enable the feature "command_stats: true" on datadog redis integration (datadog doc https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/redisdb/?tab=host metrics "redis.command.calls")
so that I can get the stats of the commands executed linked to the name (get / set / ...)
In addition, it could be a new input inside the administration of Aiven to enable the feature.We will be able to have a better monitor about the commands executed inside the host and debug leaks about the "set" command for example.
Thanks :)
2 votes -
Gather activity feed in real time
As a devops
I want to receive events from my projects (activity feed)
so that I can know in real time if a service has been created/deleted/updated/stopped/started on my project
In addition, I would like to be able to send this event to a kafka topic for example.2 votes -
Service unavailability notification
As a DevOps engineer, whenever a service goes down and becomes unavailable, I would like to receive a notification.
2 votes -
Aiven service tags as rsyslog variables
As a developer, I would like to be able to use tags created on Aiven services in rsyslog integrations. This would allow organizing services data based on these tags in the logs or metrics integrations.
2 votes -
Service user limit value from the API
As an System Architect, I want to get the service user limit value from the API
so that I can monitor this value and compare it to the number of users created for each service.
This functionality will help us to ensure healthy CI/CD pipelines so that they don't unexpected get stuck on a user limit.
The User Limit value could either in the API be bound on a project level or be populated as a value in the API available for each service.
At the time of writing the user limit for a project is by default set to…2 votes -
More logs during service fork
We want to have more info to know when a forked service is up and running.
ex. when testing backup restore, we face some difficulties as not everything is located in a single place (event logs & service logs).
There is no indication as to when the service is/was ready.
In the logs, it would be useful to have the different stages: provisioning, restore backup, wal, ready2 votes -
Smarter alerts
Warning and critical alerts are fairly basic, for instance sending a Critical alert when disk usage is above 80%.
If the service has several TB of diskspace, and a growth of 1% per month, such an alert might be many months or even years premature.As an service operator I want alerts to incorporate trend-based predictions to avoid unnecessary “Critical” alerts while still sending an alert if usage suddenly spikes.
1 vote -
Native Datadog oAuth setup for platform logs
As an SRE, I want to integrate DataDog easily to capture Aiven Platform logs so that I can get all of my observability data into my standard tool of choice and setup auditing and alerting. In addition, I would like to do so with the standard DataDog setup using OAuth and a tile from DataDog versus manually configuring both tools.
https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/integrations/oauth_for_integrations/ vs https://aiven.io/docs/integrations/datadog/datadog-logs which is the current setup
1 vote -
Configuring log level when sending log to Cloudwatch
As a programmer,
I want to have control on the log level of logs that being sent from Aiven's services to Cloudwatch,
so that I can filter INFO & DEBUG logs that spamming us.1 vote
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