15 results found
Multi-region VPC
As an Aiven user,
I want to ease the setup of my multi-region infrastructure by creating a single VPC peering for several regions
so that I can avoid creating a several peerings when I'm deploying multi-region services.
This would also solve the VPC quota issue that we can encounter on GCP (25 peerings max per VPC)41 votesWe have this on the roadmap for GCP
Syncing Users and User Groups from Azure AD via SCIM
As an IT Administrator I want to automate the on and off-boarding of users and manage their lifecycle in Azure AD.
SCIM allows an IT Administrator to provision users and groups automatically to Aiven and keeps them in sync with the identity provider.
29 votes -
Upgrade Datadog agent for Aiven platform integration
Using old version of DD agen (7.35?) among others leads to missing metrics missing for customers
16 votesWe have started the process to update the DataDog agent to the most recent version (7.52.0).
Detail tracking and reporting of Aiven cost data
As a CFO / FinOps Leader, I want to easily track our Aiven cloud costs, so that we can provide accurate reporting, allocate costs internally, and to prioritize workload optimization projects based on accurate cost data.
14 votes -
Improve API documentation
As an API developer I need to understand the error codes and details of the API so that I can integrate and handle errors thrown by the API elegantly.
The gaps are most notably:
* HTTP status codes explanation
* lack of standardized error codes (example: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/ErrorResponses.html)
* very little or no explanation (example: https://api.aiven.io/doc/#tag/Service/operation/ListProjectServiceTypes)9 votes -
Tracking Billing w/ Tags
As customer
I want to be able to assign tags based on my internal naming conventions to resources created by Aiven, so that I can have a clear insight into my expenses.9 votes -
VPC connection configuration at Organization level
Due to some limitations on the number of peerings supported by some cloud provider, for an organization with numerous applications and many potential projects associated with each, one option around it would be to configure Aiven VPC at Organizational level.
8 votesOrg Level VPCs are on the roadmap
Use PrivateLink with BYOC
As a cloud architect,
I want to connect my Aiven BYOC services to internal applications using PrivateLink
so that I can easily restrict access to my Aiven services without complex whitelisting.5 votes -
Control peering configuration like `allow_forwarded_traffic` in `aiven_azure_vpc_peering_connection` terraform resource
As a software engineer who often does infra stuff, I want to fully configure our Aiven vnet peering on Azure using terraform, so that we don't loose knowledge of how our infrastructure is configured and so that we can always tear it down and re-create it.
Primarily I'm interested in
but I think ideally exposing all of the following Azure configurations through theaiven_azure_vpc_peering_connection
terraform resource would be ideal.
https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/virtual_network_peering#allow_virtual_network_access3 votesTerraform support should be part of our work to enable peering for the new Org Level VPCs on our roadmap.
Marketplace Customers can track their service use and spend in Aiven console.
This feature will allow customers who purchase Aiven services through a cloud provider (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure) marketplace, to track their ongoing usage and spend via the Aiven console.
3 votes -
Gather activity feed in real time
As a devops
I want to receive events from my projects (activity feed)
so that I can know in real time if a service has been created/deleted/updated/stopped/started on my project
In addition, I would like to be able to send this event to a kafka topic for example.2 votes -
Clarify toggle between Dynamic and Public Access Route
As user
I want to get a URI
so that I can access my serviceIf a service is running in a VPC and public access is allowed, the Connection Information for an Aiven service shows a row labeled "Access Route" with options "Dynamic" and "Public". As a new user, I thought this was for making a configuration setting change, so I was afraid to select Public. I think the use of the term "Dynamic" also threw me off. I didn't see anything in the docs and there's no help text in the UI to inform the user on what…
2 votesThe Networking UI is getting a refresh, which will cover this
Self-service move to marketplace billing
As an existing Aiven customer
I want to pay via a marketplace subscription
so that I can recognise spend against my hyperscaler commitment and simplify my procurement processes
In addition, this is currently a manual process and involves coordinating steps between the customer, Aiven Sales team, and Aiven Ops team. I would like to self-serve this capability.2 votesWe are working on making the Marketplaces payment methods in the Aiven tenant rather than being separate tenants!
Connect to BYOC VPCs via VPN
As a cloud architect,
I want to connect my Aiven BYOC VPCs via a VPN to my applications
so that I can re-use existing automations to manage VPN connectivity.VPNs are traditionally used when connecting on-premise workloads to workloads in the public cloud.
1 vote -
Support for multiple PrivateLink connections for Kafka
As a Network Engineer, I want to set up multiple PrivateLink connections to Kafka, so that I can privately connect multiple applications, across VPC's, to my Kafka services.
0 votes
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