134 results found
Platform Orchestration Events in the Project Event Log
As a user/engineer,
I need information on platform events in order to determine timing for business events and causes for changes to my environment.
Without this observability, I need to open a ticket or service request in order to gain insight.
Platform orchestration events should be included in the project log:
- Backup Started / Finished
- Node Unreachable / Timeout Elapsed
- Maintenance Started / Completed
- Node Replacement
- Alert Fired for Service
8 votes -
11 votes
Multi-region VPC
As an Aiven user,
I want to ease the setup of my multi-region infrastructure by creating a single VPC peering for several regions
so that I can avoid creating a several peerings when I'm deploying multi-region services.
This would also solve the VPC quota issue that we can encounter on GCP (25 peerings max per VPC)41 votesWe have this on the roadmap for GCP
Adding support for hosting LLM models and AI Application
As a developer
I want to have all of my Gen AI stacks hosted within a single platform to avoid excessive network cost and reduce complexity
so that I can develop and deploy my GenAI application smoothly with minimum cost3 votes -
BYOK - Customer Managed Keys
As a customer
I want to use my own keys to encrypt that data at rest
so that I could comply with regulatory requirements and have full ownership over my and my customers' data.61 votes -
Cross Service User Sharing
As a DR practice, we have multi region Kafka services with Mirror maker. But in case of Disaster in one region, The apps should be able to resolve to other region seamlessly. But as the user credentials being are being different for both the kafka regional services which is leading delta in configuration. I know through TF we can create custom password, but for in case of TLS based authentication I dont see a way to either replicate or create custom Certs which can be ideal in case of any DR practice
2 votes -
Setting for additional storage should be taken over when forking some service
As Head of SRE & Cloud Technology
I want that the setting for additional storage is taken over when you fork some service
so that I can fork instances without having the base backup failing because of missing storage.Use case:
we forked on our postgres services and during the build of the new instance it just complaint about full disk because the setting for additional storage was just not taken over. because there was no backup yet, we were also not able to add storage "on the fly". So we had to delete the service and start again.4 votes -
Backup to Another Region in BYOC
BYOC users want to backup their data in another region, seperate from where their Aiven services are running.
5 votes -
Convert metric timezone to browser's timezone
As user, it would be useful to have the time displayed on the metrics page to be accurate, informative, and relevant to my location so I can easily understand the data and identify trends over time.
Current behavior: Metrics are displayed on GMT regardless of user location.
Acceptance Criteria:
- The time should be displayed in the user's local time based on user's browser settings, reflecting current time, updating dynamically.
- Hovering over a data point should display the precise time and value in a clear format (e.g., "09:02 full-pipeline-18: 69.55%").2 votes -
add a configuration option to be able to activate command_stats on Redis datadog agent
As developper
I want to enable the feature "command_stats: true" on datadog redis integration (datadog doc https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/redisdb/?tab=host metrics "redis.command.calls")
so that I can get the stats of the commands executed linked to the name (get / set / ...)
In addition, it could be a new input inside the administration of Aiven to enable the feature.We will be able to have a better monitor about the commands executed inside the host and debug leaks about the "set" command for example.
Thanks :)
1 vote -
Issues Configuring AWS IAM Principles with Dynamic AWS Accounts for aiven-private link
As Aiven customer,
We are experiencing difficulties configuring the IAM principles while setting up Aiven private link services due to the dynamic nature of our AWS accounts. Specifically, we would like to know if it's possible to use a wildcard (*) in place of specifying individual AWS account IDs, as managing the access control for multiple dynamic accounts is becoming complex.3 votes -
As a Platform Engineer
I want this ability to create application users on project level rather than organization level, so that i can avoid them to be part of other projects. In addition, i want to restrict them to a project in such a way that they cannot be added to other projects.2 votes -
Easy to read Invoices with Discounts
As someone that looks at the Aiven Invoices on a monthly basis,
I want to be able to easily read a summary of all Aiven invoices generated for my entire organization. I need to get a top line summary of spend / service along with any agreed/negotiated discounts and where they are being applied and not applied to the services.2 votes -
Aiven Operator for Kubernetes to use some other field than metadata.name as the Aiven-side name for the resource
As an Aiven Operator user
I would like to specify multiple ServiceUsers, Databases, ConnectionPools same Kubernetes namespace using the same Aiven-name
So I can for example duplicate a database service but still continue having the same database name and user names for the new service.I'd propose to have some under spec that could be used to use as the actual database name or username in place of the metadata.name. Something like Database.spec.databaseName and ServiceUser.spec.userName. Maybe the metadata.name could still be used if the other field is not specified, but specifying it under spec would overwrite what's in metadata. Or…
2 votes -
Aiven Operator needs to support Aiven for Valkey
As a platform developer
I want to create new Aiven for Valkey services using the aiven-operator
so that I can migrate my applications away from Aiven for Caching (Redis) before Redis EOL.1 vote -
Upgrade Datadog agent for Aiven platform integration
Using old version of DD agen (7.35?) among others leads to missing metrics missing for customers
16 votesWe have started the process to update the DataDog agent to the most recent version (7.52.0).
Terraform: Additional Service Tags
As a developer, I would like to use terraform to apply tags to components of my service:
.2 votes -
IPV6 support for VPC and Aiven service endpoints
Users should be able to choose between IPV4 and IPV6 addressing while creating a VPC. We would most likely need a "dual-stack" approach where both addressing configurations are supported.
4 votes -
Use PrivateLink with BYOC
As a cloud architect,
I want to connect my Aiven BYOC services to internal applications using PrivateLink
so that I can easily restrict access to my Aiven services without complex whitelisting.5 votes -
Cloud and region availability policy
As a cloud architect, team lead or CISO
I want to restrict the clouds and regions in which data services can be spinned up
so that I can account for compliance risks, optimize costs and improve latency between data services and applications.4 votes
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