139 results found
Google PSC multiple connect endpoints
As a customer, I want Aiven to expand the number of possible endpoints to connect to using Google PSC, so that I can connect more of my applications and services together.
6 votes -
Kubernetes operator to continuously monitor the state of Aiven resources
As an Aiven admin user who manages resource definitions in Kubernetes using Aiven operator, I want changes further made in Aiven via other APIs to be automatically reconciled, so that desired and actual state remain consistent.
2 votes -
Nesting of Organizational Units
As an Organization Administrator, I want the possibility to nest Organizational Units, so that I can setup my organizational and it's permissions more granular.
6 votes -
Aiven BYOC support on private cloud
Customers with highly sensitive data are not able to bring their data onto public cloud (esp European customers are not willing to have their data on US based cloud providers). Aiven providing BYOC model on private clouds covers the needs of this market segment.
4 votes -
Service unavailability notification
As a DevOps engineer, whenever a service goes down and becomes unavailable, I would like to receive a notification.
2 votes -
Aiven service tags as rsyslog variables
As a developer, I would like to be able to use tags created on Aiven services in rsyslog integrations. This would allow organizing services data based on these tags in the logs or metrics integrations.
2 votes -
Support to natively export to common SIEMs (Splunk, Sumo Logic, OpenSearch, etc)
As a security engineer or CISO I want to get Aiven platform and service logs into my SIEM
so that I can manage and understand the operational security of my organization
In addition, being able to integrate natively with my SIEM of choice would allow for easier data flows.3 votes -
ability to update opensearch default row count
As an infra engr I want to be able to change the setting of default row count from 500 to 10000.
I can't see the "discover:sampleSize" in the Pulumi Aiven or Terraform documentation.
1 vote -
Query editor for MySQL in console
As a developer I want to see and query data in MySQL directly in the Aiven console so that I can access and use my data without needing to setup another tool.
4 votes -
Add service user to password reset event log
Currently the event log for a password reset request is in the form:
<TIMESTAMP> <AIVEN-CONSOLE-USER> <SERVICE-NAME>: Reset service user passwordIt could be useful having an additional field that trace down the <SERVICE-USER> for which the password reset was requested.
3 votes -
Support more cloud providers
As an Aiven customer in Europe
I want to be able to use European cloud providers
so that I can be certain that using the cloud provider is following the rules of the GDPR.
In addition, I would like the ability to choose from multiple European providers, so that I have a choice of where to bring my business.2 votes -
Disable Datadog integration on slave
As SRE/FinOps, I want to disable Datadog integration on slave instance (when using active/passive architecture) so that I can reduce costs on Datadog side without degrading my monitoring/observability.
2 votes -
Upgrade notifications when new CLI update is available
As a platform engineer managing Aiven
I want to be notified when there is a new version of the CLI available
so that I can upgrade and stay current with Aiven capabilities
In addition, this will allow me to ensure the team will always have a working CLI.Much of this is solved by using package managers which support the avn client, but the message of it being out of date is helpful.
1 vote -
Service user limit value from the API
As an System Architect, I want to get the service user limit value from the API
so that I can monitor this value and compare it to the number of users created for each service.
This functionality will help us to ensure healthy CI/CD pipelines so that they don't unexpected get stuck on a user limit.
The User Limit value could either in the API be bound on a project level or be populated as a value in the API available for each service.
At the time of writing the user limit for a project is by default set to…2 votes -
Moving services between projects
As an engineering manager, I want to be able to move services around projects so that I can group them differently as my teams' organization evolves.
3 votes -
Automatically Allocate Static IP addresses
As IT Administrator
I want to have Aiven manage the number of static IP addresses I need for my services.
so that I can not have to deal with it.
In addition, it would be ideal if when creating a service there was just a flag for "Use Static IPs". This is most notable when using privatelink on Azure, as there are potentially a lot of static IPs to be created.3 votesToday, you can only manage static IPs via CLI and API. We are adding two things into the Console UI:
- Management of static IPs (along with more networking features).
- Building of an end-to-end solution at once which will also provision static IPs.
The second item is prioritized, however the first is not yet.
Marketplace Customers can track their service use and spend in Aiven console.
This feature will allow customers who purchase Aiven services through a cloud provider (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure) marketplace, to track their ongoing usage and spend via the Aiven console.
3 votes -
FedRAMP-like compliance for Healthcare industry
Company needs FedRAMP compliance as part of CMS federal regulations. Under this regulation, only US domiciled personnel may access or control managed services.
2 votesLikely this will merge in with something like FedRAMP based on that getting serious attention. I do not expect Aiven to do this anytime soon, but that can change with the right sponsoring agency.
Option to update / reduce backup policy of new OpenSearch services
As a customer who has recently forked an Aiven service, like OpenSearch, I would like to pause the initiation of a backup, so that I can perform any necessary operational tasks before putting the forked service into production.
2 votes -
Provide platform logs with Aiven service logs
As a Security Engineer, I want access to the service and user activity logs, as well as any custom metrics generated for my Aiven service, so that I am able to provide operational security services and audit support for my organization.
2 votes
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