139 results found
Ability to restore service advanced configuration fields to their Aiven defaults
As an Aiven User
I want to set a config parameter to it's default value
so that I can be sure that the service is running with the 'Aiven default'5 votes -
Ability to add new user to a group at the time of invite
As an IT manager
I want to add a new user to a group at the time of inviting them
so that I can do a single action and not have to wait for them to setup an account.Our current process of adding a new user takes 3 steps.
1. Invite by IT manager
2. User setups an account
3. They are adding to the group by IT manager5 votes -
IP whitelisting with expiration
As an Aiven user,
I want to have the ability to whitelist an IP address for a limited time, eg. in hours, so that I can access the database only within this specified window. The whitelist should automatically update once that time is up.
This would give database access only when needed, and would be beneficial for both network efficiency and security as the whitelist is kept as small as possible, thus also reducing potential attack surface.5 votes -
Query editor for PostgreSQL in console
As a developer I want to see and query data in PostgreSQL directly in the Aiven console so that I can access and use my data without needing to setup another tool.
5 votes -
Setting for additional storage should be taken over when forking some service
As Head of SRE & Cloud Technology
I want that the setting for additional storage is taken over when you fork some service
so that I can fork instances without having the base backup failing because of missing storage.Use case:
we forked on our postgres services and during the build of the new instance it just complaint about full disk because the setting for additional storage was just not taken over. because there was no backup yet, we were also not able to add storage "on the fly". So we had to delete the service and start again.4 votes -
Cloud and region availability policy
As a cloud architect, team lead or CISO
I want to restrict the clouds and regions in which data services can be spinned up
so that I can account for compliance risks, optimize costs and improve latency between data services and applications.4 votes -
IPV6 support for VPC and Aiven service endpoints
Users should be able to choose between IPV4 and IPV6 addressing while creating a VPC. We would most likely need a "dual-stack" approach where both addressing configurations are supported.
4 votes -
Improve visibility on maintenance updates
As a user, I would like to have more granular details on what is included in updates and get an estimation on how long the maintenance period would be on my service and what would be the impact, if any temporary scale up of service is required during maintenance update
4 votes -
Disabling public access by default for services in VPC
As a security team engineer, I'm running all services in VPC and want to ensure nobody can expose any Aiven service in my organization via a public endpoint
4 votes -
Phone friendly web console
The current console is not designed for mobile users but it would be beneficial for our customers to make some improvements. During long upgrades outside of working hours they would like to check the progress of their upgrades from their phones. It would be great to be able to turn off the side bar and also zoom in .
4 votes -
Aiven BYOC support on private cloud
Customers with highly sensitive data are not able to bring their data onto public cloud (esp European customers are not willing to have their data on US based cloud providers). Aiven providing BYOC model on private clouds covers the needs of this market segment.
4 votes -
Query editor for MySQL in console
As a developer I want to see and query data in MySQL directly in the Aiven console so that I can access and use my data without needing to setup another tool.
4 votes -
Increase Tag per Service Limit
Services and Projects have a hard limit of 10 tags.
This limit is too low for some automation and monitoring, where multiple tags for ownership and governance may be required.
3 votes -
Adding support for hosting LLM models and AI Application
As a developer
I want to have all of my Gen AI stacks hosted within a single platform to avoid excessive network cost and reduce complexity
so that I can develop and deploy my GenAI application smoothly with minimum cost3 votes -
Aiven Operator for Kubernetes to use some other field than metadata.name as the Aiven-side name for the resource
As an Aiven Operator user
I would like to specify multiple ServiceUsers, Databases, ConnectionPools same Kubernetes namespace using the same Aiven-name
So I can for example duplicate a database service but still continue having the same database name and user names for the new service.I'd propose to have some under spec that could be used to use as the actual database name or username in place of the metadata.name. Something like Database.spec.databaseName and ServiceUser.spec.userName. Maybe the metadata.name could still be used if the other field is not specified, but specifying it under spec would overwrite what's in metadata. Or…
3 votes -
Issues Configuring AWS IAM Principles with Dynamic AWS Accounts for aiven-private link
As Aiven customer,
We are experiencing difficulties configuring the IAM principles while setting up Aiven private link services due to the dynamic nature of our AWS accounts. Specifically, we would like to know if it's possible to use a wildcard (*) in place of specifying individual AWS account IDs, as managing the access control for multiple dynamic accounts is becoming complex.3 votes -
Disk autoscalers should have configurable threshold
As Head of SRE & Cloud Technology
I want to have configurable thresholds
so that I can configure when new storage will be added to the database
In addition, this request is mainly because we partially have big databases with X TB of storage. If you have a database with e.g. 4 TB of storage, the current threshold of 85% is at 3.4 TB. So you are paying 600GB of storage without actually using them.I totally understand that this threshold makes sense for smaller databases. But with a certain size, it's too expensive.
3 votes -
Allow for greater maintenance schedule flexibility.
Allow for greater maintenance schedule flexibility.
As a customer, I want to schedule maintenance to my services with a fixed calendar schedule rather then a weekly schedule. This is because I am required to only apply maintenance to my systems based on contracted schedules with my end customers. For example, I want to be able to schedule maintenance to occur on the 20th of each month. Or every 3rd Friday of the month between a certain window of time.
3 votes -
Control peering configuration like `allow_forwarded_traffic` in `aiven_azure_vpc_peering_connection` terraform resource
As a software engineer who often does infra stuff, I want to fully configure our Aiven vnet peering on Azure using terraform, so that we don't loose knowledge of how our infrastructure is configured and so that we can always tear it down and re-create it.
Primarily I'm interested in
but I think ideally exposing all of the following Azure configurations through theaiven_azure_vpc_peering_connection
terraform resource would be ideal.
https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/virtual_network_peering#allow_virtual_network_access3 votesTerraform support should be part of our work to enable peering for the new Org Level VPCs on our roadmap.
database monitoring custom query
As DevOps Engineer
I want to add new custom query to datadog database monitoring
so that I can monitor custom metric that based on custom query that datadog does not send by default.
In addition, I would like to provide some documentation regarding of running custom queries on datadog
https://docs.datadoghq.com/database_monitoring/setup_postgres/selfhosted/?tab=postgres15#running-custom-queriesThis is quite important for us so we could remove any custom implementation to get custom metric via custom query.
3 votes
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