93 results found
Support and/or adopt PGSync to help users maintain real-time sync between Postgres and Opensearch
As an OpenSearch and Postgres user
I want to easily keep these databases in sync
so that I can provide low latency, high throughput full text search that doesn't impact my transactional database.Ever since search engines were invented, developers have struggled with keeping their system of records (typically relational databases like Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, etc) in sync with the search engine. Batch oriented processes are often not real-time enough resulting in poor user experiences where the search results don't return the same information as what's represented in the system of record. Event-oriented solutions such as writing updates from the…
1 vote -
DDS support for Aiven for Clickhouse
As DevOps
I want to see Dynamic disk sizing (DDS) as available option for Aiven for ClickHouse1 vote -
Providing a Idea on Real-time Resource Optimization Assistant!
One helpful idea for improving user experience on cloud platforms like Aiven is to implement a "Real-time Resource Optimization Assistant": This feature would automatically analyze a user’s resource usage (e.g., CPU, memory, storage) and provide real--time recommendations on scaling resources up or down based on current needs: It could also suggest more cost-effective configurations or alternative services if it detects underutilized resources: For example,, if a database instance is consistently operating well below its capacity,, the assistant would recommend reducing resources to save on costs: Conversely, if there’s a spike in demand, it would suggest scaling up to prevent performance…
1 vote -
Ability to change refresh interval for Index using Terraform
I want to change the index refresh interval from a default value to some non-default value as a part of our latency optimization. With that, I would like this ability through IAC and control through our codebase.The idea here is to control this value from IAC and in more organized fashion.
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Aiven for ClickHouse on OVH Cloud
As an Aiven user and Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to use Aiven for ClickHouse on OVH Cloud with all the Aiven capabilities available on the other cloud providers, seamlessly.1 vote -
Manage ClickHouse integrations' credentials securely & easily
As a ClickHouse user, I want to be able to use table functions & engines that require identification credentials (ex. private remote s3 bucket, remote delta lake table etc.) without hassle and risks.
With named collections in Aiven for ClickHouse, you can set your integrations credentials once and use it safely with all your remote queries.
Moreover, you can easily rotate credentials if needed: change credentials once using the Aiven console and apply it to all your integrations.1 vote -
External schema registry for kafka
As developer
I want to have a possibility to connect to external kafka and use external schema registry at once,
so that I can digest external messages encoded with external schema (AvroConfluent for example).1 vote -
Opensearch Large Shard Warning
As an operator of Opensearch,
I want to be alerted when my shards are outside of recommend best practices of 10-50GB / shard,
so that I can avoid having overly large shard size cause performance problems for ingestion and query.In addition, please tell me how within the alert to split my shards if they do get too large.
1 voteThanks Jason. We can roadmap this. WIll update the idea when we have more concrete timeline
Enable all cross cluster replication APIs
As an OpenSearch operator
I want to be able to pause, stop, and start cross cluster replication
so that I can use this feature to support failover in a disaster recovery scenario.Typically in Elasticsearch or Opensearch, CCR can be used to support a DR deployment by placing two clusters (a leader and follower) in separate regions. When the leader cluster becomes unavailable, applications/clients can failover to the follower cluster by stopping replication on the following cluster which makes it a regular index.
1 voteCurrently we are controlling this process of start/pause etc so we can control replication process during the entire cluster's lifecycle (through all the node recycling, upgrading etc.) to ensure the stability of our services.
I put this to Gather interest, I am also aware of the failover capability mentioned in the ideas as well (we have different ideas ticket for that), this is something we can have a look and see if we need to expose all APIs if the main usecase is failover
OpenSearch compute-optimized and storage-optimized clusters
As an architect
I want to create right-sized clusters for my use case
so that I can get the most value.Currently, all the OpenSearch clusters have a 1:4 CPU:RAM ratio. High throughput application search use cases often have small data sets and can benefit from more relative CPU than RAM or disk (e.g. 1:2 CPU:RAM ratio). Logging use cases with large volumes of data may benefit from storage optimized instances with 1:8 CPU:RAM ratio with more disk.
1 vote -
Support two-zone OpenSearch clusters
As an OpenSearch architect
I want to provision the minimum amount of hardware I need to meet my requirements
so that I can optimize costs.Currently, OpenSearch on Aiven only supports 3 AZ deployments for production-grade plans. OpenSearch clusters with data nodes deployed across 2 AZs can be considered production-grade as long as you have master nodes across 3 AZs.
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Set BASE_URL for Opensearch dashboards
As Opensearch Administrator
I want to be able to set custom Base_URLs for my OpenSearch clusters
so that I can simplify usage for my customers when they have multiple OS services per group/client/customer.1 vote -
Connecting Clickhouse to a PostgreSQL read replica
At this moment there are only the primary Postgres instances available for a clickhouse connect. Wouldn't it make sense to have the capability connection Clickhouse to a read replica to prevent performance impacts on the primary?
1 vote -
The ability to Reduce logs in OpenSearch
As a security analyst,
I want to 'reduce' the logs searched to reduce the data to common patterns, allowing me to easily see meaningful events.
1 vote -
Add the ability to remove 'count' column in Table visualisations in OpenSearch
As a security analyst,
I want to remove the 'count' column in Table visualisation, so that the data irrelevant to what we need is not displayed.
1 voteI will raise an upstream ticket on this
Save comments in OpenSearch searches
As a security analyst,
I want to add comments into my searches within Discover, so that we have a shared history and understanding of what the intention of a search or part thereof is for.
1 vote -
Professional or Customer Support for OpenSearch Use
As a security analyst or operator,
I want to have support in using OpenSearch effectively for my use-case, so that I can have success in using this (complex, confusing, disparate) system as a SIEM without expending countless hours in trying to troubleshoot or effectively utilise the tool.
1 vote -
filter by backend cluster setting
As an application developer
I want to add an advanced configuration for cluster setting 'plugins.alerting.filterbybackend_roles'
so that I can prevent users from different tenants from seeing each other's monitorsCurrently unable to implement the following due to the current limitation: https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/observing-your-data/alerting/security/
1 voteThis is currently an advanced configuration for Security Plugin on OpenSearch upstream, we are evaluating this idea will comeback to this later on this quarter. This idea is valid and put it in Gathering Interest state now in a meantime
Option for ClickHouse Tiered Storage to use my OCI object storage
As a user of Aiven for ClickHouse,
I want to be able to choose between Aiven's object storage (the default) and my own Oracle - OCI object storage.1 vote -
Allow changing of OpenSearch configurable limits
As a customer
I want to change the configurable limits in OpenSearch
so that I can change things like https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/install-and-configure/configuring-opensearch/circuit-breaker/ when doing one-off large operations like deleting a bulk amount of data1 vote
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