44 results found
S3Queue Engine support
As developer against ClickHouse,
I want to utilise the S3Queue engine available in v23.11
so that I can watch an S3 bucket, and auto consume new files as they appear, via a materialized view, as soon as they arrive.This will enable me to keep my analytics up to date with no need for additional engineering effort or streaming pipelines.
7 votes -
Enable cross region replication
As a business owner,
I would like to have the ability to set up a replication of my Aiven for ClickHouse service, and all the object storage attached to it, to a secondary region,
so that in the case of needing disaster recovery from the primary region going down, we could fail our workload traffic over to the secondary region.The replicated secondary region does not need to be writable until the primary is unavailable, but we would like to read from it to validate consistency. As a customer we'll handle the failover mechanism.
7 votes -
Performance insights for ClickHouse
As someone managing a Clickhouse instance that delivers my production workloads,
I want to have better insight into what is causing slow queries against my data,
so that I can get to the root cause and take corrective actions.
In addition, it's important to have these metrics available for export to my monitoring system6 votes -
Option for ClickHouse Tiered Storage to use my own object storage
As a user of Aiven for ClickHouse on AWS, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud:
I would like to leverage my own object storage account with Tiered Storage for Aiven for ClickHouse (that I am already using BYOC on).5 votes -
MongoDB functions and table engine.
As someone running analytics with Clickhouse,
I want to be able to create functions that read data from an external MongoDB instance, as well as create tables that span data in external MongoDB instances,
so that I can enrich my analytics with data stored elsewhere, or easily migrate data from a MongoDB instance to my Aiven for Clickhouse instance.5 votes -
Aiven for ClickHouse on Oracle Cloud
As an Aiven user and Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to use Aiven for ClickHouse on Oracle Cloud with all the Aiven capabilities available on the other cloud providers, seamlessly.4 votes -
Backup to another region for ClickHouse
As a developer, as a DR requirement, I would like to be able to restore the service from its backup in cases where the service's hosting region is down.
4 votes -
Take a backup before powering off my Aiven for ClickHouse service
As an Aiven for ClickHouse service,
I want to make sure that before powering off my service for cost saving measure, a backup is taken to ensure that on power on no data is missing.3 votes -
Support Google Cloud Storage (GCS) table engine for Clickhouse
As data analyst
I want to migrate data from Google services into Clickhouse
so that I can analyze relevant dataOne way to migrate data (as recommended by clickhouse.com) from BigQuery to Clickhouse is to use Google Cloud Storage as an intermediary data store--aka export data from BigQuery to GCS, then access GCS as a table engine in Clickhouse. https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/migrations/bigquery/loading-data
3 votes -
More frequent backups for Aiven for ClickHouse
As an Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to backup my service more frequently than the current "once every 24 hrs" frequency.3 votes -
Support for JSON data type in Aiven for ClickHouse
As a ClickHouse user,
I want to use the new experimental (as of November 2024) JSON data type in Aiven for ClickHouse.
Official docs reference:https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/newjson3 votes -
Support AzureBlobStorage engine for Clickhouse
I need to read and write Parquet format files to/from Azure Blob Storage.
3 votes -
Support for 3rd party ETL tools with Aiven for ClickHouse
As an Data Engineer
I want to use 3rd party ETL tools to populate Clickhouse tables
so that I can use clickhouse as my warehouse. Currently popular tools such as airbyte do not work when connected to Aiven clickhouse due to the fact that it creates internal state tables within clickhouse, and it fails given that tables are not allow to be created outside the context of the Aiven console. Customers are unable to use external tools that can self manage state and required the permission.2024-01-26 22:37:45 normalization > Code: 497. DB::Exception: avnadmin: Not enough privileges. To execute this…
3 votes -
Improve query editor in console for large/long running queries in Aiven for ClickHouse
As an Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to use the query editor in the Aiven console in my ClickHouse services to run large queries without worrying of timeouts or bugs.3 votes -
Support for Postgresql table engine
As a developer with a current PostgreSQL instance,
I would like to utilise the ClickHouse PostgreSQL Table engine,
so that I can easily read from that external PostgreSQL instance and insert the data into my Aiven for ClickHouse instance.3 votes -
Wildcard support for Kafka topics integration
As a technologist within an organisation delivering a data platform via integration of multiple open source services,
I want to have the ability to use wildcards in the kafkatopiclist for Aiven for ClickHouse,
so that I can reduce the management overhead and reduce the time to value for new development.3 votes -
Support rabbitmq table engine
As a ClickHouse developer,
I want to be able to use the RabbitMQ table engine on Aiven for ClickHouse2 votes -
Integration: ClickHouse logs to Grafana Loki / Grafana Cloud
As an Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to set up a log integration from my Aiven for ClickHouse to Grafana Cloud easily from the console or the CLI2 votes -
Pick a backup to restore from when forking and restoring my Aiven for ClickHouse service
As an Aiven for ClickHouse user,
I want to be able to choose the backup to fork and restore from, and not only use the last backup available.2 votes -
Let users schedule Aiven for ClickHouse backups
As an Aiven for ClickHouse users,
I want to decide what time (hours and minute) the Aiven backup service will run and save a backup of my data in order to schedule my workloads accordingly (ex. data ingestion, power off)2 votes
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