12 results found
Prometheus compatible managed service
As business,
I want to have a modern open source, prometheus compatible managed service,
so that I can adopt it to store and manage my monitoring data for my critical systems, in Aiven and external to Aiven.This service should have a vibrant community and be kept up to date with the latest features in Prometheus.
11 votes -
Multiple Datadog integrations on the same service
As an Aiven user,
I want to integrate multiple datadog integratio to one Aiven service
In order to be flexible in monitoring my Aiven services via different Datadog regions9 votes -
Add New Relic integration to send/export all telemetry
As an Aiven user,
I want to be able to export all the telemetry data from Aiven services to the New Relic platform.
New Relic data can be sent via the APIs (https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/data-apis/ingest-apis/event-api/introduction-event-api/) or using the New Relic Agents using the INGEST License provided by the platform (https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/#overview-keys)
This will help the existing users of Aiven & New Relic to be able to visualize, and analyze all the metrics, logs and traces in a single place i.e. New Relic platform
8 votes -
Metrics for InfluxDB nodes
As a devops engineer, I want to track performance of my multiple Influx DBs. This will enable us to set up alerts in our systems, troubleshoot issues, identify bottlenecks, project for growth.
Currently, the only user-facing metrics are some limited dashboards in the Metrics page of each instance: Limited navigation and time window selection, no interactivity (no drill down), and also, not possible to hook any external system for alerting. We have seen the Support team uses some more advanced dashboards (richer, with more metrics than the ones available to end users) though.
The rest of our systems, and industry…
7 votes -
Adding support to Ingest data (otel metrics, traces etc.) from Otel collector
As an devops engineer/admin
I want to leverage OpenTelemetry+Prometheus to set up a full-stack observability tools to observe my system
so that I am able to reduce my debugging time and ensure that my system is healthy6 votes -
Specify the metrics sent to Datadog
As a Site Reliability Engineer
I want to specify the metrics to be sent to Datadog from Aiven services via Datadog integration rather than sending them all
so that I can reduce the unnecessary load of Datadog Agent on my services in Aiven and remove the amount of unused data sent to Datadog.Partially it's implemented via datadoguserconfig, but it limited only to minority of the metrics, like, for example, for Aiven Kafka only kafka.log.logsize , kafka.log.logstartoffset, kafka.log.logendoffset are available, while the other important ones (like kafka.consumerlag or kafka.topic.messagesin.rate) are…
5 votes -
Support for Tracing
As a CTOs, heads of engineering, cloud architects, and software/DevOps engineers
I want to have a full observability solution
so that I can reduce troubleshooting time, better tuning for my infra, reduce the cost spent on other vendors
In addition, I can achieve better software quality5 votes -
Support OpenTelemetry Collector
As a platform tech lead,
I want to deploy a managed instance of OTEL Collector using Aiven
so that I can ingest metrics from all parts of my system and export them into multiple destinations.
In addition, the observability ecosystem is slowly settling on OTEL as the standard protocol and most companies and teams will utilize multiple observability tools to ingest their events, traces and metrics. Having a central hub to do that would be valuable.2 votes -
Option to migrate self-managed Thanos data/setup to Aiven for metrics
As a support engineer
I have customer requests where, customers want to try Aiven for metrics and they are looking for options to migrate their data from self managed Thanos to Aiven for metrics service.This option or feature is really important as new and existing customers could potentially test the service with their existing data and evaluate their use-cases on Aiven for metrics service.
2 votes -
Aiven Tags for Datadog Metrics
As a Site Reliability Engineer, I want to include tags added to our Aiven topics (e.g.
, in our metric data sent to Datadog via the 'Datadog Metrics' integration.
This would help us achieve team-based alert routing for our Datadog monitors (e.g. Increased Consumer Lag per Topic, Team).
We have hundreds of production topics, and the ability to notify a specific team when one of their resources is experiencing consumer lag etc. would be extremely beneficial to us.1 vote -
consumer group observability is not part of the managed service
as a developer I want to have out of the box tools to inspect, delete, modify consudmer groups so that I can troubleshoot environments.
Today you have to download and setup opensource kafka locally and work out a config file. The instructions in the documentation dont make this easy.
Some solutions can be
1. add listing, inspecting, deleting consumer groups to a webpage
2. a metric of the number of consumer groups should be considers in the overviews
3. Potentially solve by step by step instrucions and maybe giving an ability to download the config file required for opensource kafka…1 vote -
Ability to subscribe to a topic to fetch activity feed events
As a devops
I want to be informed what is happening on my service immediately
so that I can know if a service has been stopped/started/deleted/created
In addition, I would like to subscribe to an Aiven topic so if for example a service is stopped, I can have a consumer that will be able to gather this information immediately and take the necessary actions (alerting, add my service to my inventory and so on)1 vote
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