137 results found
Support pg_embedding as a PostgreSQL extension
As a software engineer
I want to use pg_embedding
so that I can perform faster (20x) vector searches in PostgreSQL.
In addition, ML use cases are everywhere now and reducing search times will impact many projects.1 vote -
Support for Apache Age PostgreSQL Extension
As a developer or database administrator our customer is planning to use Apache Age (https://github.com/apache/age) in their Managed Service for Timescale (MST) deployments which is provided by Aiven.
I cannot see this extension in the list but is there any way or plan to add this into the managed services.Thanks!
1 vote -
Allocate shards/nodes to Aiven for ValKey
As database administrator
I want to be able to allocate shards/nodes to Aiven for Valkey
so that I can:
- Distributes the dataset across multiple nodes, enabling horizontal scalibility.
- Implement a more cost-effective solution compared to scaling up a single server.
- Ensure redundancy and replication across multiple nodes, so that if one node fails, the system can continue to operate with minimal impact.1 vote -
Support more robust major version Database upgrade mechanism
As a DevOps Engineer,
I want to be able to do in-place major version upgrade for Postgresql while maintaining ability to rollback to previous version in case there's apps error with the minimal data loss.
So that I can reduce effort for major version upgrade, which currently we need to fork and do logical replication (with other necessary stuff to do) for keeping the data in-sync with the master if we want the ability to rollback.
In addition, we have done the fork and logical replication with ability to rollback to old version while keeping the data in-sync between the…1 vote -
Support pg_squeeze as a PostgreSQL Extension
pgsqueeze is tries to replace pgrepack extension and it would be great if Aiven did support it.
https://github.com/cybertec-postgresql/pg_squeeze1 vote -
Dragonfly <> BullMQ compatibility flags
As a developer, I want to be able to use Aiven's Dragonfly together with BullMQ which is a popular message queue library for NodeJS. They are not compatible today as BullMQ requires additional configuration flags to be set up for Dragonfly. BullMQ does work with Redis (and apparently Valkey) but Dragonfly compatibility isn't working out-of-the-box. Aiven could add these configuration flags to the Console UI to allow better compability with tools developed for the Redis ecosystem.
This is also well documented on the Dragonfly website: https://www.dragonflydb.io/docs/integrations/bullmq
1 vote -
As a DBA I want to activate "so_reuseport" option so that PGBouncer can use multiple CPUs.
In the context of a very high concurrent database using PGBouncer, the single process can reach 100% CPU usage. Having multiple PGBouncer processes in the same instance would distribute the load between several processes.1 vote -
PGBouncer metrics displayed in Aiven Console Metrics page
As a Systems Administrator
I want to see PGBouncer Metrics (CPU/RAM/Network Usage) on the Aiven Console Metrics page
so that I can quickly and easily see resource utilization across both PostgreSQL and PGBouncer.1 vote -
Update max_execution_time system variable
The ability to globally enforce the maxexecutiontime system variable would be great to have
As it would help with limiting the long running queries happening that are left unchecked.
1 vote -
As db admin
I want to add bktree extension for Postgres
so that I can do a similarity search based on hamming distance
In addition, this extension also includes the SP-GiST.Please see the following repository:
https://github.com/fake-name/pg-spgist_hamming1 vote -
Support Postgres Event Triggers
As developer
I want to create event triggers
so that I can react to DDL changes across the entire database.Aiven for Postgres currently does not support Event Triggers: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/16/event-triggers.html
1 vote -
Display a warning when updating parameters that cannot be lowered once increased
There are parameters like the 'maxworkerprocesses' that cannot be lowered once it's been enabled and increased with the warning message: "PostgreSQL setting 'maxworkerprocesses' cannot be lowered from its current value". It would be nice to be warned prior to toggling and increasing these settings.
1 vote -
As a dba
I want to add the PGOUTPUT extension
so that we can use this type of logical replication
In addition, it is important as our system integration requires it to work, and it is generally better performing over test_decoding1 vote -
Admin user should access to snapshot statuses
I want my admin user to have access to snapshot statuses over GET snapshot/status API (https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/api-reference/snapshots/get-snapshot-status/)
so that I'll be able to monitor and prevent my applications to fail because a snapshot blocks index management.1 vote -
Allow admin to get OpenSearch snapshot statuses
I want my admin user to have access to snapshot statuses over GET snapshot/status API (https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/api-reference/snapshots/get-snapshot-status/)
so that I can prevent my applications to fail because a snapshot blocks index management.1 vote -
Set PostgreSQL Client Connection Port Within the Public Ports Range
As a database administrator or developer,
I would like to be able to set the database client connection port within the allowed public ports range,
So that I would be able to set the same port for all of my services which will allow me to have unified persistent rule on my firewall for my databases, facilitating smooth database operation within the firewall parameters. Altering firewall configurations can prove arduous.1 vote -
Support slow query logging in Aiven for Cassandra
As an Aiven for Cassandra user,
I want to be able view queries that are running slow on my Aiven for Cassandra service.
The definition of slow will be set by default, but can be updated by the user (in the cassandra.yaml)1 vote -
DB optimization, using query rewrites suggestions [PostgreSQL/MySQL]
A fast way to optimize my PostgreSQL & MySQL databases automatically.
As a software engineer/DevOps, I would like to see my slowest queries and receive recommendations along with a newly rewritten version of the query, optimized to run 10 times faster. These optimizations could potentially save my team an average of 50 weekly hours, which are currently spent manually optimizing these queries.
I would like to perform these optimizations directly from Aiven's console.Additionally, It is critical that the optimization process be 100% non-intrusive and not require access to my databases' sensitive data.
1 vote -
Large Language Models (LLMs) hosted to build AI capabilities
As a developer with data stored in one of the operational databases,
I want to host and train Large Language Models, (LLMs) (open source) on Aiven
so that I can leverage the power of LLMs to improve the experience of my application.
In addition, I'd like to host a knowledge graph to act as a filter to reduce hallucinations and have built in RAG capabilities hosted on Aiven.1 vote -
Support pg_stat_kcache as a PostgreSQL Extension
As a database administrator or developer,
I would like to utilize the pgstatkcache extension in PostgreSQL,
so that I would be able to gather statistics on system metrics such as CPU usage and physical disk access, and see how much resource each query, user and/or database is consuming.1 vote
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