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Operational Databases

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Operational Databases



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27 results found

  1. As a Database Administrator,

    I want to have the ability to configure the PostgreSQL parameters log_parameter_max_length and log_parameter_max_length_on_error within Aiven's platform,

    so that I can prevent sensitive data from being exposed in database logs, especially during the logging of slow queries.

    In addition, enabling this configuration is crucial for maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and upholding the privacy standards expected.

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  2. Since version 15 PG CREATE PUBLICATION CREATE PUBLICATION statement added the clause FOR TABLES IN SCHEMA but this is not available in aiven-extras extension.

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  3. As a developer
    I want to copy-paste the Service URI from the Aiven console
    so that I can use it in Java JDBC connection strings as is without changing postgres:// to postgresql:// (see
    In addition, the official docs allow both postgresql:// and postgres://, but JDBC does not seem to honour this:

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  4. As a application user,
    I want to instantiate a Single PG Bouncer service on Aiven to point across multiple READ-Replica Nodes so that I can it automatically handles the pooling of read connections.

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  5. As developer
    I want to fork databases as quickly as possible
    so that I can start developing new features immediately and run fast automated tests as a part of my CI/CD.
    In addition, this is especially important for larger database instances which can take a lot time to do a full copy of the entire dataset.

    Also known as copy on write or database branching.

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  6. I would like to be able to use data lakes from postgres and the pg_mooncake extension enables that.

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  7. As Developper
    I want to configure Polish language
    so that I can use PostgreSQL's text search feature for autocomplete functionality
    In addition, find below some references to describe the configuration steps :

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  8. As an administrator
    I want to have high frequency backups of my Cassandra data
    so that I can restore with less data loss if there's a data corruption issue or outage

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  9. As a database administrator or developer,

    I want to easily copy and compare SQL statements which would be easier to do with a monospace type font. It is visually difficult to compare SQL with variable width font.

    Please convert the optimize query page to use a monospace font for the queries.

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  10. As a database admin or a developer,
    I would like to be able to terminate running queries in my database as admin,
    so that I would be able to unlock any long-running queries as part of my operations.

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  11. As a developer/DBA
    I want to be able to issue the RECONNECT command to pgbouncer
    so that I can ensure all connections reset and have access to up-to-date schema information during migrations.

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  12. As a database administrator,I want to be able to create trigger events
    so that I can use them on the Postgresql 17 databases. I am unable to do so because the creation of trigger events is restricted to superusers.

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  13. As a database admin, using internaltmpmemstorageengine=TempTable (default), I would like the temptablemaxram size to be adjusted to the plan and not use the default value of 1G.

    When using the new default TempTable engine for temporary tables the setting temptablemaxram=1G (default) controls the max. amount of memory for ALL temporary tables.

    "The setting temptablemaxram controls how much is available to ALL temporary tables before converting to an on-disk table. Looking at our 50 queries example earlier, say each one needs 256MB of memory. With the default setting of 1GB, the…

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  14. I would like to set up cron jobs that make curl requests.

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  15. Setting these variables allows the ability to configure the cache parameter to avoid workload issues with prepared statement issues

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  16. Since pgrouting 3.4 the function pgr_trspVia is available.

    Given a list of vertices and a graph, this function is equivalent to finding the shortest path between vertex(i) and vertex(i+1) for all i < sizeof(vertices) trying not to use restricted paths.

    The paths represents the sections of the route.

    The general algorithm is as follows:

    Execute a pgrdijkstraVia - Proposed.
    For the set of sub paths of the solution that pass through a restriction then
    Execute the TRSP algorithm with restrictions for the paths.
    NOTE when this is done, U
    turnonedge flag is ignored.

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  17. As developer,
    I want to deploy a cost-efficient and fast vector database
    so that I can develop a fast-serving RAG application with large datasets.

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  18. As a database administrator, I want to have the option to use the PGroonga extension so that I can take advantage of advanced text search capabilities, including full-text search with regular expressions and n-gram tokenization.
    In addition, PGroonga offers better performance for certain types of search operations, which is especially important for handling large datasets efficiently and improving the search functionality in applications.

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  19. As a software engineer
    I want to use pg_embedding
    so that I can perform faster (20x) vector searches in PostgreSQL.
    In addition, ML use cases are everywhere now and reducing search times will impact many projects.

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  20. As a developer or database administrator our customer is planning to use Apache Age ( in their Managed Service for Timescale (MST) deployments which is provided by Aiven.
    I cannot see this extension in the list but is there any way or plan to add this into the managed services.


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