Support pg_jsonschema as a PostgreSQL Extension
As a Software Engineer or DBA, I want to be able to enforce schemas on JSON/JSONB fields in a convenient manner, so that I can ensure bad data doesn't getting written to my database. seems to be the most popular extension for doing this.

Antti Ahonen commented
There is no service currently in the Aiven catalog that offers a mutable database to store object data with a schema (at least to my knowledge).
Only service I can think of is Kafka with Avro that offers a way to store object data with schema, but it is for immutable entries.
As such, this extension in pg would also fill a gap in the whole Aiven catalog offerings.
Yauheni Savitski commented
Hi there,
we're also use jsonb is more and more frequently with our PostgreSQL instances. Also would like to introduce schema validation. Gonna definitely vote for introduction this extention