104 results found
Supporting multiple Valkey major version
As a database operator, devOps engineer
I want to be able to control the Valkey major version that my Valkey is running
so that I can be more proactive when it comes to major version upgrade and prepare the necessary preparation for that1 vote -
Aiven for Cassandra & Kafka integration
As a user of Aiven for Cassandra,
I want to be able to leverage my Aiven for Kafka service to synchronize records from my Aiven for Kafka topics with table rows in my Aiven for Cassandra.I am also interested in the reverse workflow: enabling Change Data Capture on my cluster to stream data out of my Aiven for Cassandra service to Aiven for Kafka.
1 vote -
Add & Remove nodes via the Aiven console or with simple API calls
As a user of Aiven for Cassandra,
I need to be able to scale horizontally (up and down) my service as dynamically and simply as possible, in order to serve my business or my app's needs.I need to be able to flexibly add and remove nodes from my Aiven for Cassandra service in as little clicks as possible in the Aiven console (or in as few API calls as possible).
1 vote -
Approximate Nearest Neighbour (ANN) Vector search via Storage-Attached Indexes
As a developer or data scientist looking to carry out advanced analytics,
I want to leverage ANN Vector search across the data in my Cassandra instance,
so that I can develop machine learning applications and capabilities.In addition, the following up stream CEP is of interest to me : https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CASSANDRA/CEP-30%3A+Approximate+Nearest+Neighbor%28ANN%29+Vector+Search+via+Storage-Attached+Indexes
3 votes -
Point in time recovery
As an organisation running an Aiven for Cassandra instance,
I want to have the ability to revert an instance back to a specific point in time,
so that I can recover to a known safe state, to mitigate the impact of any data issues and to meet my organisation's disaster recovery policy.3 votes -
Migration mechanism for external clusters
As a potential customer looking to migrate to Aiven for Cassandra from an existing external Cassandra cluster,
I want to have a mechanism to replicate from my external cluster to a new Aiven for Cassandra service,
so that I can migrate large amounts of data easily.3 votes -
CEP-28: Reading and Writing Cassandra Data with Spark Bulk Analytics
As developer using Cassandra for analytics workloads,
I want to be able to create a custom Spark application,
so that I can read and write large amounts of data from Cassandra.
The Cassandra current APIs aren't designed for large scale data egress/ingest.2 votes -
Support tds_fdw as a PostgreSQL Extension
As a database administrator or developer, I would like to integrate PostgreSQL with external databases using the TDS protocol so that I can seamlessly access data in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases from within PostgreSQL using standard SQL queries. This feature simplifies data integration and allows for efficient cross-database operations without the need for complex data migration processes.
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API layer for ease of development
As developer against Cassandra,
I want to simplify my development by using APIs such as GraphQL that I am familiar with,
so that I can get to market quickly, with minimal learning spent with CQL.
An example of which might be the open-source https://stargate.io/1 vote -
Advanced Keyspace management
As someone running production workloads against Aiven for Cassandra,
I want to have more control over management of the keyspaces in my database,
so that I can adapt more quickly to changing workloads and meet internal criteria relating to levels of control for adopting an external service.2 votes -
Aiven Cli Integration with octopusdeploy CD
As the founder, we are interested in enabling multiple users to MySQL Database directly via the Aiven CLI, preferably utilizing Octopus Deploy. They have a community step template which can facilitate the creation of users if they don't already exist. In order to set up a connection to Aiven CLI within our CI/CD, the Aiven CLI needs to be installed within the octopusdeploy/worker-tools. Configuration instructions for this can be found on Github, specifically at https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/WorkerTools/tree/master/ubuntu.22.04 and https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/WorkerTools/blob/master/windows.ltsc2019/Dockerfile. Further information is available on Docker Hub at https://hub.docker.com/r/octopusdeploy/worker-tools.
1 vote -
Custom CA - end-end encryption
As the founder and product-owner, I am leveraging the Redisson client to establish a connection to the Redis servers. Unfortunately, Aiven has yet to incorporate the CA certificate. We ensure our connections are made via the Redisson client, which necessitates end-to-end encryption. To facilitate this, we require the CA certificate, either supplied by Aiven or a custom CA, during the use of the Redisson client as found on redisson.org and redisson.pro. According to the configuration guide on Github, this procedure guarantees that all traffic is consistently encrypted from one end to another. This feature is essential for us to deliver…
1 vote -
Control of nodetool cleanup and compact
As a database administrator of an Aiven for Cassandra instance,
I want to be able to have some control over when and where compactions and cleanups occur on my instances,
so that I can keep my discs optimised and at a time that fits my workload.2 votes -
Release pg_partman Version 5.0.0 as a PostgreSQL Extension
As a database administrator, developer or PO for Cloud Operations,
I would like the pg_partman extension to be updated to version 5.0.0,
so that I can keep my infrastructure compatible.7 votes -
Support slow query logging in Aiven for Cassandra
As an Aiven for Cassandra user,
I want to be able view queries that are running slow on my Aiven for Cassandra service.
The definition of slow will be set by default, but can be updated by the user (in the cassandra.yaml)1 vote -
Expose the metric filecount_size_bytes
As backend and DevOps engineer / SRM, I want to be able to visualize in Grafana metrics related to WAL files buildup due to lagging or missing replication slots.
This will help us debug WAL bloat which might exhaust the disk space and better understand the cause.Mainly the metric
will be useful. Also any metric that would allow us to monitor per database service:
1. Total WAL size.
2. Size of WAL retained due to replication lag.
3. Rate in which we consume the WAL for the replication over time (connector consumption rate).
4. Rate in which we…2 votes -
Proactive Performance Alerts, AI-based [PostgreSQL/MySQL]
A fast way to Identify PostgreSQL & MySQL performance issues.
As a DevOps/DBA, I would like to get proactive alerts so that my customers will not encounter performance issues and I will be able to identify and fix them quickly without calling a database specialist.
Additionally, It is critical that the AI-based Performance Alerts be 100% non-intrusive and not require access to my databases' sensitive data
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Recreation of replication slot after power cycle
As a DBA or developer,
I want to be able to stop/start my services without losing replication slots
so that I can resume my logical replication flows even after a power cycle.Similar recreation is currently done during nodes failover: https://aiven.io/blog/aiven-for-pg-recreates-logical-replication-slots
2 votes -
Large Language Models (LLMs) hosted to build AI capabilities
As a developer with data stored in one of the operational databases,
I want to host and train Large Language Models, (LLMs) (open source) on Aiven
so that I can leverage the power of LLMs to improve the experience of my application.
In addition, I'd like to host a knowledge graph to act as a filter to reduce hallucinations and have built in RAG capabilities hosted on Aiven.1 vote -
Support pg_stat_kcache as a PostgreSQL Extension
As a database administrator or developer,
I would like to utilize the pgstatkcache extension in PostgreSQL,
so that I would be able to gather statistics on system metrics such as CPU usage and physical disk access, and see how much resource each query, user and/or database is consuming.1 vote
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