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173 search results

  1. Add Support for ZDM proxy in Aiven for Cassandra  ·  Available

  2. Support Databricks driver for Apache Kafka Connect JDBC sink connector  ·  Gathering Interest

  3. Enable ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS to enhance replication  ·  Closed

  4. Support exactly-once semantics when connecting Kafka to ClickHouse  ·  Roadmapped

  5. Support for Postgresql table engine  ·  Roadmapped

  6. Add Oracle JDBC support for Aiven for Kafka Connect  ·  Gathering Interest

  7. A unified search, alarm & dashboarding experience in OpenSearch  ·  Gathering Interest

  8. Support for Apache Kafka Connect to be run standalone against a 3rd party Apache Kafka service  ·  Gathering Interest

  9. Support orafce as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Gathering Interest

  10. Ability to pause the backup process for a period of time  ·  Gathering Interest

  11. Support pgvector as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Available

  12. Allow changing of OpenSearch configurable limits  ·  Gathering Interest

  13. Add Datadog integration to Flink  ·  Gathering Interest

  14. Support Bingo as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Gathering Interest

  15. Better auditing capabilities in the Aiven console (Cassandra)  ·  Gathering Interest

  16. Create a Backup to Azure Blob Storage for Local Region Restore - DR  ·  Pending Review

  17. Migration mechanism for external clusters  ·  Gathering Interest

  18. Configurable backup retention period  ·  Gathering Interest

  19. Support for Local Zones and AWS Outposts  ·  Pending Review

  20. Point in Time Recovery in a Secondary Backup Region  ·  Roadmapped