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166 search results

  1. Support for cross-project and cross-vpc service integration for all services in streaming domain  ·  Gathering Interest

  2. ability to update opensearch default row count  ·  Gathering Interest

  3. filter by backend cluster setting  ·  Gathering Interest

  4. Wildcard support for Kafka topics integration  ·  Gathering Interest

  5. Field Level Encryption Support for Aiven Products  ·  Shelved

  6. Support slow query logging in Aiven for Cassandra  ·  Gathering Interest

  7. Support pgvectorscale as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Gathering Interest

  8. Enable creation of MariaDB databases as well as MySQL 8  ·  Closed

  9. "Last Used" field on Kafka Certificates in Console/API  ·  Pending Review

  10. More variety in node counts in a cluster  ·  Pending Review

  11. Better error messages when using the built-in query editor in console for Aiven for ClickHouse  ·  Gathering Interest

  12. Improve UX of autoscaling configuration  ·  Pending Review

  13. Support JDBC for data ingestion to Aiven for ClickHouse  ·  Gathering Interest

  14. Add MaxTimestampSpec data to the topic/partition details from the Aiven API  ·  Gathering Interest

  15. Support for searchable snapshots  ·  Roadmapped

  16. Enable Opensearch Cross-Cluster Search capability  ·  Available

  17. Debezium Connector for Cassandra  ·  Gathering Interest

  18. Support S3 as a source and sink for Flink  ·  Gathering Interest

  19. Rockset Sink connector for Kafka Connect  ·  Gathering Interest

  20. Apache NiFi Source and Sink Kafka connector  ·  Gathering Interest