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166 search results

  1. Tiered Storage for PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases  ·  Gathering Interest

  2. Support pg_wait_sampling as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Gathering Interest

  3. Support User defined functions (UDFs) in Aiven for ClickHouse  ·  Available

  4. A no-code solution for Flink to unlock the usage for non-technical users  ·  Shelved

  5. The ability to Reduce logs in OpenSearch  ·  Gathering Interest

  6. Add the ability to remove 'count' column in Table visualisations in OpenSearch  ·  Shelved

  7. Opensearch Large Shard Warning  ·  Roadmapped

  8. AWS SQS Source and Sink connector  ·  Gathering Interest

  9. Support pgai as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Gathering Interest

  10. Approximate Nearest Neighbour (ANN) Vector search via Storage-Attached Indexes  ·  Gathering Interest

  11. Kafka Connect GCS Sink: Support using field values to define bucket name or file name prefix  ·  Gathering Interest

  12. Aiven service tags as rsyslog variables  ·  Gathering Interest

  13. Restore from external snapshot  ·  Roadmapped

  14. OpenSearch compute-optimized and storage-optimized clusters  ·  Gathering Interest

  15. Add Support for ZDM proxy in Aiven for Cassandra  ·  Available

  16. Enable ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS to enhance replication  ·  Closed

  17. Support for Apache Kafka Connect to be run standalone against a 3rd party Apache Kafka service  ·  Gathering Interest

  18. Support pgvector as a PostgreSQL Extension  ·  Available

  19. Allow changing of OpenSearch configurable limits  ·  Gathering Interest

  20. Add Datadog integration to Flink  ·  Gathering Interest